This past week has been a tough one as at every turn in my
professional life I seem to have run into situations that have reminded me that
many people can still sleep soundly at night even after actively trying to harm
others. So I am in need of the pick me
up that the Undercover Ladybug project always seems to bring.
Last night I arrived home to a box in the mail from my
parents with a Valentine’s Day card, some candy and a small tin of supplies
for my newest hobby of needlepoint. What
a mood lifting treat!
In this week leading up to Valentine’s Day everyone can use
a little reminder that there is kindness, compassion and goodness in the world. I bought a few wooden hearts that can be hung
on a wall (mine is in my kitchen) or in a workplace cube or even in a car. It is just a simple reminder that there is
always something to smile about.