Monday, May 21, 2012

Goals and Dreams

This past Saturday I graduated from business school and earned an MBA.  It was a goal I thought about for many years.  Finally I decided the years will pass anyway so I might as well have a degree to show for the time.  Twenty-seven months later I crossed the stage.  At the same time I went back to school I started writing down goals.  It is amazing how powerful it is to have a list of goals to look at and work toward.  I write a new list each year.

At my commencement the speaker, who has been quite successful starting businesses we all know, talked about the fact that he keeps a notepad by his bed to write down ideas that come to his mind during the night.  He has in fact followed many of the dreams and they have made a difference to him and many people around him.

My next gifts are a couple note pads for the finders to write down their own goals and dreams!  If you think about your goals and work toward them they will be accomplished!


1 comment:

Sara said...

I FOUND ONE AT THE LADIES MONUMENT ON COMM AVE! Thank you! This was amazingly inspirational and I am so happy to have been the one to come across it. Congratulations on your degree, and keep up the brightening acts of sweetness!