Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

Another year of Undercover Ladybug kindness begins!  Welcome 2015.  I will be in 7 states in the next 5 days and plan to be leaving presents along the way.  I am going to try something new this time and post the items I leave after I leave them with photos of them where they were left for their finders. 

I have a full bag of gifts that I am taking with me for the travels through Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Missouri and Kansas so stay tuned!

1 comment:

DoneGal said...

Hi! I found your Slinky jr. in the ladies room at the River Grille in Easton, PA, and I will be passing it on to a child I'm sure will love it. I love what you're doing--keep it up!