Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Desert Heat

This week I am in 108 degree Phoenix, Arizona.  I know they say it is a "dry" heat versus the more muggy weather in other areas of the country but the fact is it is still very hot!!  My time outside has been limited in the heat of the day but I do enjoy seeing some of the desert landscape as the cactus plants are beautiful, and it is so different from what I am used to at home.

Pools are abundant and offer relief to warm and weary folks.  I have not been swimming yet but I have been using my sunblock and staying in every bit of shade I can find.

The challenge of putting on the sunblock for me though is always having streaks of it that I have missed and not rubbed in enough on my face.  I tend to realize it when a stranger gives me a second glance.  Thus it is helpful to have a small mirror in my bag to address the issue.  I have a few extras for others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the slinky I found on my way to another dreaded day of work. It really made my day and put a smile on my face! I hope to pay it forward today and make someone else smile :)
<3 the shoemill girl