Sunday, February 28, 2016

Time is a Wastin

Every day I write out a to do list.  Yes, each and every day I have a list that I follow.  Maybe I am addicted to the sense of satisfaction that results from crossing items off the list.  Whether it be a work day or a weekend day, there is always something to accomplish and the lists keep me focused and help me end the day with a sense of accomplishment.
I found some small clip boards with colorful stripe or polka dot designs and note pads perfect for to do lists. 

 Hope they find their way into happy hands!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Piece of Cake Presentations

I have volunteered to be a judge at an upcoming business bowl at a local university where there are expected to be nearly 250 students from freshman through graduate level competing.  The students will receive their cases in the morning and will work on developing a solution to present to the judges. 

The judges, local business people, will critique the competitors on how they identified the critical issues and their resulting recommendations and presentation.  I remember from the time I spent on case work during my own graduate school career how challenging such team work can be with tight timelines, different personalities and the stress of presenting.

Have a few cake frames to leave for finders.  Wishing them all good luck and hoping they make it all look like a piece of cake!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

You Are All Write

I was reading a list of Valentine's Day sayings.  You know the ones I mean that are often on candy hearts or in greeting cards - hug me, love you, kiss me, be mine, etc.  One that said, "you are all write" with a pencil caught my eye.

Since I thought the saying and a pencil would be a great little gift I bought some heart covered pencils and added notes.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Good Morning Sunshine

If there is one thing I definitely am not it is a morning person, but this morning I got myself up in the darkness to head to the airport for a 7am flight.  It was a Southwest Airlines flight, and I did not get myself online in advance to print a boarding pass.  As a result, I feared a C group boarding and a guaranteed middle seat.  However, upon checking my bag I was surprised to see the A group printed on my boarding pass. 

The morning got even better when I arrived at my departure gate and was told there were just 19 passengers on the 23 row aircraft!  After settling into the section of the plane I had all to myself, the flight attendants announced that they had a trainee flight attendant at the very end of her month long training on board and that she would be taking the lead on many of the duties throughout the flight.  When she returns to Dallas at the end of the week she should officially receive her "wings" and graduate from the training program.

All of the flight attendants were wonderful throughout the flight.  I even got my coffee with signature Southwest heart stirrer. 
The trainee seemed at ease with all her tasks and adept at making the passengers feel welcome and comfortable.  I was on the flight in order to attend some out of town meetings related to a new position I have, and I could relate to the feelings she was undoubtedly having in terms of being nervous and wanting to do a great job.  Since a little positive energy and encouragement is always welcome, I left a note on the seat to thank her and wish her well with her new career.  Hopefully she found it! 

I included a very small "tip" so she could perhaps buy herself a little celebration morning coffee in the next terminal!  Thank you to the trainee on flight #551 this morning.