Saturday, November 30, 2013

Letters to Santa - Operation Santa


Three years ago I was watching the local news the week before Christmas and saw a story about the United States Postal Service Letters to Santa Program (also known as Operation Santa).  It was the first time I had heard about the program, and since they were looking for more helpers, I got involved.

Operation Santa is a program that some post offices throughout the United States participate in by gathering letters to Santa from needy families put into the mail addressed to "Santa, North Pole."  In the cities that have been participating for a number of years, some social service organizations and school teachers encourage needy families to send letters to the post office knowing there is a program in place.

The letters are then organized into piles based on the number of children, any identifying information like last names, addresses, etc. are blacked out with a marker and each letter is given a number.  There is a separate room in the post office set up with a Christmas tree and various decorations and all the letters are there to be read by individuals willing to take a letter and make a family's holiday wishes come true.      

The room in my post office just opened so I was there the day after Thanksgiving reading the most touching letters written by mothers, fathers, grandparents, older siblings, little children, etc.  Each letter told a story of the family's situation and holiday wishes.  

As a volunteer you simply have to show a photo identification and then document which letter numbers you took.  The first year I participated I took 7 letters and shopped for all the children.  My kitchen was lined with boxes and letters so I could match the items I purchased to each child's box and then bring them all to the post office.  

When bringing them to the post office I simply had to indicate the letter number on the outside and the post office would then look at the records and put the correct mailing address on the box.  The whole process is anonymous to the giver and the receiver.  It is a true Secret Santa program.    

This year I read though all the many letters and selected two for a total of four children.  The first letter writes about Daryl and Orlando ages 8 and 4, respectively.  Their mother writes of her struggle to get by and provide for her boys.  This letter was also accompanied by a letter from their school principal about the family.  The second letter is from a woman named Tamiko writing about her 9 year old son and 8 year old daughter who both love to swim and to read.  

While there will be many letters that go with no response as the need is greater than the number of volunteers, I am pleased to be able to make a difference for these four children.  I will blog again when I have there boxes put together.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Crafting Craziness

Lately I have been on a crafting kick!  I go through these phases sometimes when I am desperate for a change and something new to focus my energy on.  You must know the feeling of just wanting to have something to show for your time.  It is so easy to get home at the end of the day and just sit in front of the television until suddenly three hours have passed.

Photography has been a hobby for a while now but within the past couple weeks I have moved on to cross stitch.  Visits to the fabric and craft store, watching YouTube instruction videos, stitching and then ripping out and then stitching again.  It is amazing how learning something new is relaxing in a way and turns the evening into a time when something can be accomplished.

I was talking with a co-worker about my latest adventures this week and he mentioned he has recently gotten into woodworking.  During our conversation he mentioned that doing projects such as arts and crafts can train your brain to be better at problem solving and has other benefits.

More to come on my crafting projects but for now a small present of playing cards.  Since playing solitaire, poker, or even go fish can be fun for you and your brain!