Sunday, June 17, 2012

Wine Charms

My favorite holiday of the year is the 4th of July!  Hands down, without a doubt....4th of July!  It falls during a time when the weather is lovely where I live, and it is a holiday that does not involve dressing up, buying presents, and obligations to spend time with some people you are not exited to see.  I have spent every 4th of July of my life at the same lake and can hardly wait for the surf and turf feast my family and our closest friends hold annually.

At our party there are always lots of glasses of soda, juice, beer and wine (and this year for the first time a baby bottle for the youngest among us), and we find ways to mark our own glasses.  I thought some others might enjoy some wine charms for their own summer parties.  I have three boxes or different style charms for three finders.  Hope the finders enjoy them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I picked these up in the ladies restroom in the Plaza Hotel. Thank you so much for the gift! I look forward to reading more of your blog and helping find ways to do random acts of kindness for others!