Saturday, March 16, 2013

Photo Albums

Tonight I am going with a friend to see his son in a high school play.  I am positive there will be many cameras in the crowd as parents, grandparents, and classmates aim to preserve the memories.  The photos will surely be posted online and saved on home computers.  However, I imagine very few will be printed and framed.

Over the years I have made an effort to print photos from certain times (trips, graduations, etc.) and put them into albums.  It makes them easy to leave on a coffee table and flip through from time to time.  It is likely that these albums will increasingly matter to me as more time passes.  I remember how I loved looking through old family albums at my grandparents' homes when I was a child.  

So my gifts tonight are some photo albums hoping the finders print a few photos from an important time or day.  Maybe they even choose to make an album of the play hoping that one day when the play is long since in the rear view mirror of their lives they flip back through the book and smile at the memories that are tangible and in their hands.

1 comment:

BeetleBug said...

I am honored to say that I am one of the newest receipients of the undercover ladybug's random acts of kindness! My friends and I today were stunned when our brunch bill was replaced by a thoughtful note with a lovely and generous gift!

What a wonderful idea and beautiful gesture. Rest assured that your act of kindness has inspired each of us to do the same and pay it forward, so that we can brighten someone else's day in the same we you did ours. Thank you for making our day, and so many others' days through the years!