Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Letters To Santa - Operation Santa

Part 2

I read over my letters several times thinking about what each child and family might both want and need.  One of the letters was so specific but the other was not and said simply "any help that you can give."  I called friends with children around the same ages as the children written about in the letters to ask for suggestions and wandered up and down many aisles in the stores!

After multiple trips to a few stores, all the presents were purchased.  Next step getting the boxes!  A quick trip was made to buy them, and then armed with my packing tape and scissors, they were soon set up in my living room and ready to be packed.

I took all the purchases out of the shopping bags and grouped them for each family.  Once I had everything figured out, I set out packing.

The first family was Tamiko's 9 year old son and 8 year old daughter.  Among other things their box included Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble, Legos and Barbie, swim caps and goggles, books, a science kit, a basketball, notebooks and pens, winter caps, and some plates, dishtowels, and a new scarf for mom.

The second family was Arlena's 8 and 4 year old sons.  Their box included things such as tennis balls, rubber bouncing balls, a frisbee, stuffed superheros, puzzles, a soccer ball, toy trucks and cars, crayons, pens, sketch paper, Legos, fleece blankets, plus some gifts for mom.

Lastly, I wrote a letter from Santa and included one in each box.  They have been delivered to the post office and are on the way to their intended recipients. 

All I wish now is that I could know what the families reactions are when they open them. 

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