Saturday, May 24, 2014

Farmer Girl

In my town there is a farm that raises livestock such as chickens, cows, and pigs.  The fields are often filled with fresh hay and you can stop in anytime and buy fresh eggs or order fresh meats.  

This farm is run by a young woman, M.  She can be seen working from morning until night since there is never a break when animals need care.  Driving the farm equipment, feeding the animals, gathering the eggs, helping birth the new animals, greeting customers dropping by......M does it all!

This farm is such a welcome part of the community and M's hard work and contributions do not go unnoticed.  I am going to send her a gift card to a local restaurant and ice cream stand hoping that on a warm summer day soon after hours of manual labor she can grab a treat and know she is appreciated!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I must say it was a pleasant surprise to get your card in the mail this morning! It's always nice to know all my hard work doesn't go unnoticed. The gift card will most certainly be used after a hot day working on the farm! Thank you Undercover Ladybug :)