Monday, November 7, 2016

Cold Winds of Change

One result of the clocks falling back an hour last weekend is that the darkness and cold rolls in earlier in the evening.  Most people leave work into the dark, and children wait to be picked up from practice as the leaves blow down the street and across the fields. 
In many front yards there are vibrant colored mum plants littered with leaves and pumpkins and gourds displayed to represent the last of the fall turning into winter.  With the passing of Halloween, the next holiday stop is Thanksgiving, and the snow is soon to fly.
I always try to wear my fall jackets for as long as I can with them protecting me less and less from the cold weather every day.  I occasionally break down and wear my heavy winter coat when the morning temperatures prove too cold.  There are so many times I reach into my jacket pockets and hope for a pair of gloves to help me keep my hands warm only to be disappointed when I realize they are all in my winter coats.  I have a few pairs of gloves for some lucky finders as I cannot be the only person who could use an extra pair or two. 

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