Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ireland Trip

I am headed to Ireland soon for a vacation.  I could not be more excited for the time away and the chance to experience the home country of one sent of great-grandparents.  I have planned out a trip for a week that will go from Dublin through southwest Ireland to Galway and back to Dublin.  I have five gifts to leave along the way.  The gifts are a small mirror, a pair of napkin rings, a bookmark, a packet of flower seeds, and a set of stickers.

Here is a photo of all the gifts.  Hope the five finders enjoy them.



Anonymous said...

Just found ur little mirror. Made my night I love it. Such a lovely thing to do i feel so honored :) Thank you millions xxxxxxxxxx

Maria barry said...

Me again-forgot to say i found ur mirror in city west hotel Dublin at 21:15 by the sink in the ladies room .. Thank you again for being do wonderful :-D