Sunday, September 1, 2013

Back to School

September is here yet again and the signs of a new school year are all around.  I have seen school bus stops with children waiting in communities that have school start before Labor Day.  For all those communities starting later this week after Labor Day, I feel certain there are anxious children and parents anticipating the first day and trying to get back into the swing of early to bed and early to rise.


The stores all seem to have one or two back to school aisles right now stocked with all the supplies a child (or adult who loves such things) might need and they are packed with shoppers.  There are some shopping for the very first day of kindergarten looking for crayons and pencil cases and those nervously anticipating middle school and hoping to have the appropriately cool accessories.

I have seen many streets around me packed with college students unloading their parent's minivans or small trailers.  Small refrigerators, bedding, basic kitchen supplies, etc. being carried by multiple floors.  The thrill of living on their own just hours away!

It is a funny thing about September that even for those who are simply have a regular month at work there is a slight sense of a new year beginning and a return to indoor eating, the end of long sunny weekends, and the return of full work weeks.

In thinking about this time of year I picked up some magnets that can be used to tack up a second grade spelling test or a message between college roommates that I hope some finders enjoy.

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