Saturday, October 31, 2015

Little Libraries

As a child I remember so enjoying the nightly reading of a book or two with my parents and eventually on my own.  Summer reading contests at my local library where there was a healthy competition to read the most books among my siblings and neighbors were an annual event.

I have continued to love reading into adulthood.  Mysteries tend to fill my shelves now as they help me escape the everyday.  When I have a book with me on a bus or the subway sometimes it can be a conversation starter with another rider or even a co-worker when on my desk at work.

While I probably should use the library more than I do as it would be a savings over the course of the year, I just don't find myself getting there.  I have noticed in my community little free libraries, though and they are so appealing!

The Free Little Library is a non-profit that began in 2009 and now has so many involved.  Participants either buy or build the most adorable little boxes that they then fill with books.  Community members can walk by and both take and leave books.  All of this is free!

I was driving home from the grocery store this week and noticed yet another new such library in my community.  I am going to leave bookmarks in a few boxes near by as I think the types of individuals who are likely to participate are also those likely to enjoy a random kindness from the Undercover Ladybug.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was happy to find a wonderful bookmark in my local "little library" for the Undercover Ladybug. Thank you! It made my day. Looking forward to paying it forward.