Friday, December 28, 2012


As I mentioned in my last post, following the tragic shooting in Newtown, Connecticut there has been a movement involving people committing 26 random acts of kindness.  These acts are in memory of the 20 students and 6 educators murdered at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

This idea of committing random acts of kindness and spreading happiness is obviously one that is near and dear to my heart.  It also seems to be such an appropriate way to combat the evil in the world.....with kindness.  Imagine kindness being the lead story on the news!

Most people involved in the #26Acts movement are posting their acts and photos to Twitter.  The ideas are outstanding....paying for the person behind them in line at a coffee shop drive-thru, leaving money on a gas pump, baking treats for a teacher, visiting a nursing home, etc.

Even though I have been doing my random acts for some time I cannot resist participating in this movement and being a part of this wave of kindness.  So, my next acts will be #26Acts.  I am not quite sure what they all will be yet but it will be fun to think up 26 ideas in a short amount of time and do one in honor of each victim.

May all the finders pay it forward with kindness toward others and maybe at least a few will join me and continue on after #26!  


Liz said...


We just took our rescue dog to our nearby dog park and found a gift of tennis balls attached to the fence, with one of your messages. What you may not realize is that because of the kind of people that visit there, the balls will more than likely stay there to be shared with all the dogs who visit! My brother's girlfriend is also a vet, so this really touched me. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and it will be paid forward!

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine just had his family's brunch paid for by you! You are amazing. I am thinking of following suit.

Anonymous said...

I witnessed this today as well while I was having brunch. Very cool and a small sign that there is some kindness in the world at every level.

Anonymous said...

Our library just received a donation from you, Undercover Ladybug. We will add a children's book to our collection in Dawn Hochsprung's honor. Thank you!

Paul said...

First, I want to thank you for your generosity. My wife, two kids, my father and I were the recipients of your random act of kindness today. You should have seen the stunned look we all had when we received your note after breakfast. To think that a total stranger would treat someone else's family to breakfast is truly an unselfish act of random kindness. I can honestly say that you never know how uplifting a gift like this can be until you receive one. For the entire drive home, my wife and I were plotting how we would continue these random acts in our lives. As soon as we got home, we jumped on the blog and were floored by your posts. We pledged to keep this going through each of us. I was so ready that I gave a little help paying groceries to a random woman and her kid at the grocery store. I think I felt even better than I did this morning. Thank you again for rekindling the kindness that is so easily forgotten in today's society.

Anonymous said...

I started my day rushing and forgetting everything at home just to get into work early. I usually read this blog from home but today I took a minute to read it at work and found the posting above. It changed the course of my day! It was not heading in the right direction that is for sure...I was not the recipient of the breakfast but I was the recipient of something much better...kindness touched my heart this morning and reminded me of what is really important in life! Thanks ladybug, your thoughfulness and kindness reached out further than what you thought it would...